Holly Sikora's headshot
Holly Sikora's headshot

Written By Holly Sikora

Holly Sikora, a tax and accounting expert working remotely for Intuit, helps provide financial guidance to millions of people on her own schedule. After spending 18 years as a CPA and director of financial reporting, she realized she still wanted to maintain a substantial career – but without the limitations of being a full-time employee. At Intuit, Holly works 20 hours a week, all year round. This flexibility, which she says is “second to none,” allows her to maintain her own personal pursuits while thriving as a member of Intuit’s TurboTax Live team.

She loves educating customers on a variety of financial challenges. Now in her 50s, she wants all tax, accounting and financial professionals to know that Intuit has created an inclusive, flexible environment where you can have a fulfilling career, no matter what stage of life you’re in

Holly Sikora at her computer

Discovering satisfying work, and work-life balance, as a Tax and Financial Expert at Intuit